In conjunction with the “World Book Day” on 23rd April 2018, Muhibbah Engineering (M) Bhd organized “1 Book 1 Hope” initiatives. This objective of the CSR program was to enrich students’ mind via reading. The chosen school for this was Sekolah Kebangsaan Cyberjaya.
Sekolah Kebangsaan Cyberjaya located in Cyberjaya, is one of Malaysia’s Smart School. The school is built on 11 acres of land and was opened in the year 2000. The Smart School initiative is one of the seven flagship application that are part of Malaysia’s Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) project. Initially the school concept’s was “Smart School Level A” but due to budget reduction the concept was changed to “IT Based Cheerful School”
We were so warmly welcomed by teachers and students upon arrival at the school. The event started with opening speech by the Headmaster of En Mohd Zahari Mohd Noor, he welcomed and thanked us for choosing their school to be part on our CSR project.
Due to limited funds, some of the facilities in the school are insufficient. Most of the activities held by the school were funded from PIBG or from parent themselves. In line with the “World Book Day”, Muhibbah had decided to donate books at the school. To encourage participation from within the company, the team placed “Drop & Go” boxes around the office for employees to donate used or new books.
490 books Muhibbah donated to the library. We were glad to see the students happily receiving the books.
“The more you read the more things you know.
The more that you learn the more places you’ll go”.