On 20th May, 2017, a total of 27 Muhibbah Engineering (M) Bhd’s (MEB) CSR Rangers had participated in a Gotong Royong Activity which took place at Forest Research Institute Malaysia, (FRIM). This activity was the continuation of MEB’s Tree Planting which was held last year.
The objective was to clear up the dried branches of Taman Bidara’s cycle trail that leads to “MEB’s Fruit Orchard”. Since the cycle trail is open to the public, clearing up the dried braches would encourage the public to practice a healthy lifestyle.
Towards the end of the gotong royong, MEB’s CSR Rangers had the opportunity to re-visit “MEB’s Orchard” and witnessed the progress growth of “MEB’s Baby Trees” namely Jambu Bol, Tampoi, Durian Hutan and Kasai. The gotong royong ended at 12.00 p.m. and followed by refreshments. At the end of the day, the CSR Rangers were contented to be part of this activity.